Unequal Childhood Sociology

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Betting on the setting In the United States of America over eighty percent of the population live in cities or suburbs surrounding those cities. This correspondence is not coincidental. People flock to metropolitan areas because of the availability of jobs. Location is a very important aspect of living. It influences the types of jobs available, the cost of living, and the types of social networks that are available. There are scenarios which can only occur in particular kinds of settings. These certain situations are all exemplified in various sociological studies. Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family life mainly deals with the way in which child rearing affects the success of different children. However the neighborhoods in which…show more content…
Social capital is the amount of connectedness a person has with groups of peers. One child that Lareau followed and studied belonged to a middle class family in a suburban neighborhood. Sally Marshall has a mother who intervenes in her life constantly and has a schedule which she makes sure Sally follows. She wants to place her daughter on a path which will take her to economic success in her adult years. Education is an important factor in gaining a job that can provide her with monetary wealth. The school that Sally attends is pretty reputable and the school offers a prestigious honors program which needs to be tested into. Sally took the exam but did not score well enough to place into it. Sally’s mother did some research through talking to her neighbors and found out that there was another way which her daughter could potentially join the honors program. After hiring a private tutor to evaluate her daughter, Sally was able to enroll. After all of the mothers planning Sally now had a better resource to become successful in the…show more content…
In a rural setting the center of all social interactions is the school. Another facet of rurality is that families continue to keep living in the same town through many generations. On account of this, children have an association with their family that often predetermines their social standing in school. This means that once a student enters the facility they have already been prejudged to belong to a certain group. The problem with this is mobility up the social hierarchy that makes up a school is nearly impossible. Teenagers are still learning about the world and look for a sense of camaraderie and acceptance from peers. The three boys who eventually became shooters were all frowned upon by their peer groups or the whole school in general. This rejection is one of the reasons which caused them to take drastic measures. The only way that these boys could have committed such crimes was if they had the right tools. In both of the towns that were focused on both guns and ammunition were readily available. If the school didn’t encompass a student’s social being or if guns were not available these shootings may have not occurred. These major factors can be attributed to the rural

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