Unfair Taxes Under Obamacare

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Unfair Taxes Under Obamacare The Obamacare decision that was made two weeks ago was an outrage to many people including myself. The only group of people it seems to benefit is the poor people on government assistance and now myself and every other hard-working tax paying American are going to have to foot the bill. I realize that many people have legitimate problems finding a job and supporting themselves but there are also a lot of people out there just working the system because they can and now Obama is only going to make that easier for them by taxing the people that do work for their money. I was absolutely shocked by the amount of taxes Obamacare is imposing when I was researching it. I was also surprised to learn that a lot of…show more content…
One of the main taxes is the Individual Mandate Excise Tax that requires anyone who does not purchase “qualifying” health insurance to pay an income surtax. Those excluded are religious objectors, undocumented immigrants, prisoners, those earning less than the poverty line, and members of Indian Tribes. I actually agree with the Muslims who believe that “Obamacare is based on a system of uncertain outcomes akin to gambling on the future and the charging of interest” so it is considered forbidden in their religion. They get a pass as well as the Amish. Undocumented immigrants get a pass because of the operative word “undocumented”, the government doesn’t know about them. Prisoners get free healthcare is prison (well not exactly free, I’m paying for it but it’s free to them) and people who make less than the poverty line will be eligible for Medicaid (I pay for that too) so pretty much only the illegals and the religious objectors get a…show more content…
Many of them don’t currently have health insurance because of how expensive it is. I think it should be our right as free American citizens to gamble with our life or our finances if we don’t want to purchase health insurance. It’s not like they don’t understand the potential consequences of not having insurance and it’s a choice they should be allowed to make. With the prior stipulation of the word “qualifying” health insurance I am sure it is going to cost them a great deal of money that they probably can’t afford. If they choose to pay the tax than they are paying up to $2,100 that they could be spending on healthcare if something was to happen to them. It’s just not

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