Unit 18:Health and Safety Procedures in the Workplace

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Unit 18: Health and Safety Procedures in the Workplace 1.1 Define the main responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace of the following: a) employers: The employer has a responsibility for health and safety of all the staff, children and visitors to the nursery premises. The manager and deputy manager are responsible to ensure all policies are reviewed and regularly updated to cover any legal changes. The manager and deputy are to ensure that all staff read and implement the policies within the nursery and that a copy of the policies are easily available for staff to review when needed. The manager and deputy should have first aid training and the responsibility to ensure the first aid box has appropriate materials that are within date and refill when needed. The manager or deputy are to review accident records on a monthly basis to identify any recurring causes of the accidents and amend the situation. The manager or deputy will ensure that risk assessments are carried out each morning before children arrive either by themselves or a member of staff . Checking indoors and outdoors and remove any risk factors. Provisions need to be carried out at least twice a day. They ensure fire drill practise is carried out every six weeks and every member of staff is trained for fire drill procedures and all firefighting equipment is checked and maintained on a regular basis. The manager will ensure that staff and children`s medication needs are obtained before attending the nursery and all administration of medicines are given by strict compliance with instructions given on the medicine forms. The manager or deputy will ensure records are being kept of administered dose,time and date and that all medication is safely stored away. The manager will ensure staff are trained in areas such as
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