Unit 202 Improve Own Performance in a Business Environment

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Unit 202: Improve Own Performance in a Business Environment Learners can use the following template to complete their answers. Answers can also be typed, provided the same amount of information is given. Please note that this template must be used as a guide to the minimum amount of information required. 1. 1 a) What is the purpose of continuously improving performance at work? The purpose of continuously improving performance at work is to ensure I learn new skills and produce good professional quality documents and deliver good customer serviced that meet the standards of my organization. This will help achieve the organization’s goals. My employer and colleagues will notice how hard I work and the standards I keep, this will ensure I may achieve permanent employment or promotion. b) What are the benefits of continuously improving performance at work? Please state at least two. Benefit 1: There is a chance of a promotion as my employer will see how hard I work and the work I produce which leads to more money for me Benefit 2: I will be able to take on more skills which will broaden my career opportunities and may lead to getting a better paid job in another organization 1.2 a) What is the purpose of encouraging and accepting feedback from others? The purpose of encouraging and accepting feedback from others will help me improve how I produce my work tasks. I will learn from mistakes I have made and ensure I carry out work duties correctly the next time around. b) What are the benefits of encouraging and accepting feedback from others? Please state at least two. Benefit 1: It will help me do my work tasks better and could open lots of opportunities for me as people will see how hard I work and will give me more varied tasks to carry out which will broaden my skills and work opportunities – the more

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