Unit 3: Acute Responses To Exercise

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UNIT 3 OUTCOME 2 TOPIC 4 ACUTE RESPONSES TO EXERCISE FOR STARTERS………. [pic] ____________________________________________________________ _________ EXTRA THINGS THAT I HAVE HEARD or PERHAPS SEEN…………………………. |[pic] |[pic] | |Changes undertook by the respiratory system during exercise: | |Minute ventilation (the amount of air moving in and out of the lungs per minute, this increases in direct proportion to the | |metabolic demands of the body) | |Minute…show more content…
|[pic] |[pic] | |When you begin exercise, your muscles undergo change, these are ‘acute responses in the working muscles’. | |These changes are – increased blood flow (to the muscles) | |increased muscle fibre and motor unit recruitment | |increased number and power of muscle contractions | |increased muscle temperature | |Decreased fuel stores (ATP, PC, Glycogen and Triglycerides. | |Increased diffusion of oxygen into the muscle cells. | EXTRA READING………….. |Macmillan |All of the functions performed by the muscular system are performed by 3 types of muscles; smooth,…show more content…
| |[pic] |For movement we require skeletal muscles to contract for force and power production. | | |The intensity and duration of the exercise will determine the type of muscle fibres recruited and | | |the force and frequency of the contraction. | | |Type I muscle fibre: Slow twitch. | | |Type II muscle fibre: Fast twitch. | | |Average person has equal amounts of Type I and Type II. | | |Athletes have either more type I or type II depending on their sport. | | |Type I are more efficient at using oxygen to make ATP | | |Type I have greater fatigue resistance.
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