Unit 3 - Pass 1

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Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations [P1]` Description of marketing techniques used by Cadbury and Apple Cadbury Cadbury are a well-known company who manufacture and market chocolate products including chocolate bars, hot chocolate and a variety of other chocolate based products. The company are famous for using a higher proportion of milk in their recipes, compared to rival companies. The company have become the undisputed leader in the chocolate market, worth 473 million annually, and they have worked hard at earning their rightful title as the number one confectionery brand. The product I am investigating is the Dairy Milk Bar. Apple Apple is an American multinational cooperation headquartered in California. The company designs, develops and sells consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. Its best known products are the Apple Mac, the Ipod and the Iphone. Its software includes OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media browser, and the Safari web browser. The product I am investigating is the Apple Iphone. Ansoff’s Matrix The first technique used is Ansoff’s Matrix. This is used to categorize products in the market and match them to different audiences. This also shows how much a company has grown since they first started out as a small company. Market Penetration This shows how a company has started to grow and how it can adapt its product to suit a new market. Market penetration is when the company sells an existing product to the typical existing customer. Cadbury – Cadbury was launched in 1897. They used techniques such as posters and press advertisements to first penetrate the market. As time went on they decided to use other tactics like magazine articles, which were first launched in 1900. These tactics seemed to work well as the brand became more and more

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