Unit 3 Safeguarding

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1. Why is it important to safeguard children and young people? Legislation, guidelines and policies place a duty on all those working in schools to ensure the health, safety and security of children in their care.The importance of safeguarding children and young people is also significant in enabling them to develop and reach their full potential. Failure to safeguard children and young people can have a negative impact on a child’s development and health. Children and young people need to be protected from neglect and abuse and have a safe environment in which to grow up in with parents, teachers and any other close adult being approachable and accessible if needed, should a child develop a difficulty that concerns them. 2. What is a child or young person-centered approach and why is it important? Every child/young person is unique and therefore has individual needs which will help them achieve their full potential as they develop. A child/young person centered approach will empower the person to be in control of their lives. It supports everyone to be the best that they can be and it ensures everyone has a voice and puts the young person at the centre of the planning and decision making process. This is inline with Every Child Matters key features. A child/young person centered approach reliably captures the voices of the young people and embodies safeguarding into every aspect of its provision. It does this through fully integrated working, trusted relationships between individuals who know and work with them. As a person in contact with a child/young person it is important to encourage them to show an interest in the learning that they are participating in. This can be done by following Every Child Matters aims. Among other aims to listen and communicate effectively with a child, and in turn this will build up a good working

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