Unit 422-201(Shc21)I Ntroduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children's and Young People's

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Unit 4222-201 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate Reasons why people communicate: -.to connect - to control - to express - to learn - to teach - to relate (establish, maintain, and adjust relationships) - to share (what’s on our minds, in our hearts, and from our guts) - to compliment - to experience - to be 1.2. Explain how effective communication affect all aspects of own work Communication is a basic requirement of my job role to communicate with individuals and their families, other members of staff on a daily basis. Communicating with other staff members ensures effective team working and continuity of care. It also ensures any health and safety issues are recognised and reported. All carers attend hand over at the beginning of each shift and also complete communication books after attending an individual, thereby keeping other staff informed and aware of current situations within the workplace. 1.3. Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. Not all people are able to communicate verbally because of the lack of their confidence or they don’t know the language. That is why it is very important to observe their facial and body reaction. This means that the worker is going to miss out on a large part of communication if he/she is not paying attention to peoples facial and bodily reactions. 3.1. Identify barriers to communication There are many barriers to communication like:use of Jargon/Slang, Dialect,Language differences,speech impairement, Learning disability/autism, Hearing impairment, Visual impairment, Developmental stage, Emotional difficulties, Distress, Heat (too hot/cold), Poor lighting etc.. 3.4. Identify sources of information and support or services to enable more effective communication You should always seek support and assistance if you

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