Explain How To Support Individuals To Carry Out Their Own Health Care Procedures

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Unit 4222-214 Support individuals to carry out their own health care procedures (H5C 2005) Assessment Criteria Outcome I Understand health care procedures likely to be undertaken by individuals The learner can: 1. identify treatments and physical measurements likely to be undertaken by individuals A. Typical treatments that may be undertaken could include assisting with personal hygene tasks such as washing, showering or dressing a client. Quasi- medical treatments could encompass applying topical creams where this has been approved by medical staff and training has been given. Physical measurements may include measuring out food or fluids where a client is on a controlled diet or measuring a room to check whether a piece…show more content…
Where a client is subject to a controlled diet (for medical reasons) it may be necessary to measure out portions of food to ensure the diet is maintained. Measured urine or stool samples may need to be collected for clinical examination where requested by medical professionals. B. Not sure of question as scan has not been 100% Outcome 2 Be able to support individuals to prepare to carry out their own health care procedures The learner can: 1. establish with others own role in supporting individuals to carry out their own health care procedures a. When working as an individual support worker assisting an individual clearly both you and the client need to be clear as to roles and responsibilities on both sides. There are personal, moral and legal boundaries that need to be taken into consideration. Where working as a member of a team these considerations should be defined for each team member at the initial planning meetings and agreed with the client by the team leader. 2. promote safe storage of supplies b. There is a responsibility under the Health and Safety Regulations of every individual to maintain a safe working environment, particularly when storing…show more content…
Where unsupervised procedures or measurements have been carried out by the client, carers should diplomatically question the client to satisfy themselves that the results are sufficiently accurate to be accepted or marked as questionable. 2. record and report any adverse reactions or other concerns, in line with agreed ways of working b. The first action when arriving with a client should be to familiarise yourself with the care plan and previous carers comments and also talk to the client and check if they feel that that there has been any adverse health issues or concerns. If there are any concerns these should be recorded or reported as set out in the care plan. 3. describe action to take if monitoring suggests that the procedure needs to be changed or is no longer needed. c. Where monitoring indicates a change to the care plan is necessary then this should be entered in the daily record and further should be referred back to the team leader and any other professionals that may be involved so that a more effective care plan for the client can be instituted. A record of responses should be kept to ensure those have been made aware and have the situation in hand. Checking the care plan at the start of each visit will alert the carer of any changes that might have been made in their

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