Unit 4222 Health and Social Care

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Unit 4222-301 Promoting communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s (SHC 31) Outcome 1. Understanding why effective communication is important in the work setting * Identifying the different reasons people communicate People communicate in order to share information, establish and maintain relationship. It can also be used to bring out changes in attitudes and to motivate people. People communicate to inform others of their emotions like sadness, joy and satisfaction. Communication is very important when it comes to developing a positive relationship with service users and their families, as well as work colleagues and other professionals. People communicate to enable them to put forward their ideas to be conveyed clearly. Communication is a process where by two or more people swap ideas, feelings and fact in a way or ways that each party come into a common understanding of a message. * Explaining how communication affects relationships in the work setting Communication breakdown in the work setting can result to number of things that include; alienation, anxiety, as well as feeling isolated. It is important to be a team player especially when working in a team and to get along with members of staff no matter your differences. It’s a two-way process when it comes to effective communication. The message sent by the person communicating has to be clear and concise to the person receiving it. The message has to be understood correctly to have a response. Ineffective communication creates barriers if there is no clear understanding. Outcome 2. Being able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals. * Describing the factors to consider when promoting effective communication The factors needed to be considered when promoting effective communication include; 1. Making eye
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