Unit 506/137 1.3. Analyse the Reasons Why Children and Young People’s Development May Not Follow the Pattern Normally Expected.

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Unit 506/137 1.3. Analyse the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the pattern normally expected. There are many factors that can influence why a child/young person may not follow the normal pattern for development. This may range from health issues, motivation to learn, sensory impairment, social and cultural issues, environment, physical disabilities and learning difficulties. Even before birth a child is developing within the womb. The parents are responsible in ensuring that they are giving their unborn child the nutrients to develop. This helps to prevent any small or large physical and learning difficulties during this time, as in many cases it is out of the child’s or parents control. If learning cognitive theories are accepted and the infant brain is insufficiently stimulated during the first 3 years of a child’s life, or they are exposed to toxins or malnutrition, then this can be a factor in later learning and disabilities. There have been many studies on diet and how it effects a child’s growth and physical development and ability to learn. The results have shown that a child who has a nutritious and healthy diet achieves more in life. However it can be difficult for some families to provide a healthy diet for their child and thus can result in poorer health and physical issues. This may cause them then to have difficulties in the ability to learn normally. The environment a child is in can also play a significant part in all aspects of their development. The child could be in Local Authority care, or the family home are dealing with many financial and housing issues, if these are less than ideal for the child it can cause a negative impact on the child’s learning and progress. For example the child could be placed in foster care and may be dealing with issues of bonding with the family and siblings. Therefore feeling

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