Unit 8 Mi: Assess Different Psychological Approaches to Study

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MI: Assess different psychological approaches to study. The behaviourist approach This approach focuses only on behaviour that can be observed and manipulated therefore, it is very useful in experiments where behaviour can be observed and manipulated especially in relation to independent variable (IV) and the dependent variable (DV). The behaviourist approach is based on the concept of explaining behaviour through observation and the belief that the environment is the reason why people behave differently. According to B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) the operant conditioning involves two types of reinforcement which can be strength because positive reinforcement happens when the consequences following a particular behaviour is experienced as desirable and the individual is rewarded; this will be an encouragement for the person to continue or even do more because of the reward they are looking forward to. In negative reinforcement, the person realise the consequence of what had happened that caused them to be punished and because of this, the individual will be afraid of putting up the behaviour that caused the punishment. The behaviourist believes in right now and right here rather than looking at a person’s past past or medical history. This can be classed as an advantage for many people who do not know the cause of their abnormal behaviour. In Paul’s case, the behaviourist approach did not actually try to recognise what his previous problems where, their key centre was on how to improve his problematic behaviour with the help of the environment he is in. This approach reacts on Paul depending on the environment because they believe that individual’s learn from their environment as a result, the only way to help explain Paul’s problem was by moving him away from his present environment. On the other hand, they should pay more attention in Paul’s life looking at his
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