Unit Shc34 Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Children's and Young People's Setting

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L3 CYPW Diploma Assessment task SHC 34 – Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. To be submitted by: Please write paragraphs to fully explain: 1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. In law a Duty of Care means to take reasonable care to avoid causing harm or damage. In my work role as a Learning Support Assistant at Langside School I have a duty of care for the pupils attending the school and I also have a duty of care to my work colleagues. To the pupils that attend the school my duty of care is to prevent harm, to use my skills, professional abilities and experience to report any concerns over their health, to note any changes in their behaviour and bring to the attention of the team and to record any unexplained marks/bruises. It is also my duty of care to promote their rights and to work with them as individuals and to listen to them. This extends to respecting the rights of the families in respecting their cultural beliefs and values of the parents and family. This also contributes to the safeguarding of the individual and protecting them from any possible harm or risk. My duty of care towards my work colleagues is to not put them at risk of harm e.g. by being aware of where they are when moving a pupil in their wheelchair and not running to my colleague causing harm to them or the pupil. By employing due care and attention and using safe practice to both pupils and work colleagues I am using my duty of care lessening a claim for negligence or damage. 1.2 Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals. Whilst a children or young people are in our care, we take on the same responsibilities as their parents or guardians, this can be known as ‘loco parentis’. This means we do our best to ensure their
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