VARK Learning Style Assessment

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The VARK learning style assessment is a tool used to assist people in identifying their preferred method or way of learning. The word VARK is an acronym and therefore each letter has a meaning, V for visual learning, A for aural learning, R for read/writing kind of learning and K for kinesthetic type of leaning style which involves the use of senses (touching, tasting, seeing, smelling and hearing).It is however important to understand that this assessment is not exhaustive and does not put a limit on what learning styles one can use. With this in mind it would be right to say that no learning style can be esteemed higher than the other. For the purpose of this paper the main focus is going to be on the aural style of learning as this is my preferred style of learning . The aural style of learning is widely known and used; Information is best absorbed by the learner when it is presented in the auditory form. This can be through music, recorded speaker notes, group discussions or by listening to lectures. The list is not exhaustive. Better still it is important to learn about other styles of learning as each learning style can sometimes be dictated…show more content…
It is only there to help one recognize or identify their learning preference. It also seeks to bring out new ways of learning by helping the individual to realize that they can incorporate other learning styles to their current one. There is no right or wrong mix of learning style and there is no sequence or set pattern. Finally, VARK is there to help improve the speed and quality of learning and is in a way a favorable and effective tool for identifying learning styles. It is such tools that will help produce qualified ,capable and competent private and public health workers who are ready to take the health care system even to a much higher level in as far as delivery of quality health care is concerned (healthy
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