Violence Is Human Nature

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Violence Is Human Nature Throughout the history of mankind, human beings have always been at war with each other. Whether it concerns money, power, land or anything else worth a substantial value. There have always been different ways to deal with all of the friction that is so prevalent in society and it isn’t talking, negotiating or shaking hands. Mankind has always dealt with our differences by using violence. If one country is threatening another country, then they go to war and attempt to kill each other off. The movie, “A History Of Violence” portrays the idea of humans being inherently violent through the actions of Joey/Tom and his acquaintances. In one of the opening scenes, there are two murderers that enter Tom’s Diner at closing time. The men attempt to take everyone in the restaurant hostage and seconds before the raping of the waitress, Tom smashes a coffee pot on the face of one of the murderers and shoots and kills both of them. As the murderers were preparing to kill everyone, Tom attempted to talk to them and alleviate the situation to avoid anybody getting hurt. But as time progressed, nothing could be done to stop the mad men from robbing the diner and killing everyone in it. Tom had no choice but to end the lives of those two men. Tom’s son Jack is portrayed as submissive teenager that has a calm, friendly, non violent demeanor to him. At his high school, Jack is frequently ridiculed and tormented Cohen 2 by a bully who makes several attempts to get into a fight with Jack. Each time, Jack backs off from the bully and uses his words and wit to get the bully to subside. After Tom killed the two men at his diner, the bully cracks a mean comment about Jack’s father and that was the final straw for Jack. Jack beat the bully up very badly. Up until this point in the movie, the audience would never have guessed that Jack

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