Virginia Woolf And Nancy Mairs Analysis

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English 93 Professor Miller 2 December 2014 Everyone has different opinions on life and death, and how it should be lived. Virginia Woolf and Nancy Mairs definitely had their different writing styles, and it showed with these two different short essays. With the moth living the life of the drab and dreary, wishing to look beyond what it knows. As well as how Nancy tells about how she does not let MS stop her. But, what holds them both back? One is just a bug and another is a human being, but sympathetically, which one has it worse? These two short essays brought me a lot of questions by looking from the other side of death from a different perspective. Virginia Woolf explains the life duration of a moth that is trapped. Going in grand detail of how this insects life should be lived, comparing a moth to a butterfly. Unfortunately this moth does not get to live its life with as much tenacity as a butterfly, “He flew vigorously to one corner of his compartment, and, after waiting there a second, flew across to the other. What remained for him but to fly to a third corner and then to a fourth? That was all he could do… (Woolf)”. He was stuck in a never ending cycle until he could not take it anymore. Regarding how beautiful and vibrant a life would be for a butterfly, but sadly how confined the moth’s life would be. Nancy had taken the…show more content…
MS leads to death as much as confinement leads to the demise of the moth. These both say something remarkable, they are both trapped. Even though the life-span is different by many years, yet they both want the same thing; to be let out, to be free. Except being trapped is the only way to cope, Multiple Sclerosis leads to anger and depression as they are living out their life, while the moth is fighting frantically to get the last shred of its life and make it worthwhile. Mairs and Woolf have two very different views on what plentiful a life could

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