Volcanic and Seismic Events Are Major Pieces of Evidence Towards Proving That Plate Tectonics Theory Is Valid. Discuss the Extent to Which You Agree with This Statement.

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Volcanic and seismic events are major pieces of evidence towards proving that plate tectonics theory is valid. Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. As far back as 1620, people noticed the close fit of the east coast South America with the west coast Africa. However, there was no theory to explain this jigsaw fit at the time. Since then this idea has evolved into the theory of plate tectonics. It is still a theory as it is difficult to prove the concept of plate tectonics. The deepest drilling into the earth’s crust was only about 12km deep which wasn’t deep enough to get to the mantle. Nevertheless, there is considerable evidence that supports the theory, volcanic and seismic events have provided evidence which has shaped our understanding of plate tectonics today. Seismicity (or earthquakes) is the shaking of the earth and it is strongly associated with the theory of plate tectonics. Most earthquakes are found on plate margins which are the boundaries between plates. Only 5% of earthquakes that happen every day are not located on plate margins. It has been suggested that human activity could be responsible for some minor earthquakes which do not occur on plate boundaries, for example, the building of large reservoirs puts pressure on the surface of rocks. However despite this, as 95% of earthquakes occur on plate boundaries there must be some kind of link between the two and plate tectonic theory can explain this. The theory suggests that the earth’s crust is split into plates which are huge slabs of rock that move due to the convection currents in the mantle. Where two plates meet it causes friction along the plate margin and this creates stresses in the lithosphere and tension in the rock builds overtime. When the strength of the rocks under stress suddenly breaks, they fracture along cracks called faults, sending a series of seismic

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