Water Quality and Contamination

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Abstract The theory that water is contaminated and cannot be filtered to drinking status is tested. Testing was done by taking water and mixing it with different types of contaminates to see what effects pollutants have on groundwater. Contaminates were mixed with the water in beakers and cheesecloth was used to filter the water. I found that contaminated water is not easy to filter for drinking and most the samples were still contaminated after being filtered. Introduction In this lab, water quality and how contaminated water can be filtered to drinking water is examined. If we are to survive on earth, then finding ways to remove contaminates from water may be necessary to help us to survive. Today, freshwater is one of the most valuable resources on this planet. Finding freshwater resources are a vital environmental and economic importance. Freshwater is used for public water supplies, irrigation, industrial processes, and cooling electric power plants (OECD, 2013). The average family of four uses about six hundred liters of water per day (Porteous, 2000). The concern is if the freshwater supply is not protected and conserved, the planet will run out and if this happens the planet will not survive. Approximately seventy five percent of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, as oceans, rivers, glaciers, snow or lakes (Singh, 2008). Singh reports that “Only three percent of water globally is potable (drinkable) and, of that amount, approximately thirty percent is available for use and most of it is located in Brazil” (Singh, 2008). Three percent of the water is a very small amount with the population growing across the world. It is important to protect our water supplies and take every measure to conserve it. In this lab, we experimented with taking contaminated water and filtering the water to demonstrate the fact that

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