Welcome English Sellers As Bearers Of Liberty Analysis

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Voices #2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 #2. 1. What Morton admired in the life of Native Americans was their generosity and the fact that unlike Europeans they were not obsessed with acquiring “superfluous commodities.” He condemned them claiming that their religious beliefs amounted to devil-worship. 2. He states they the Indians led a “freer life” than Europeans because they are guided by the light of nature, being void of care which torments the minds of so many Christians: they are not delighted in baubles, but in useful things. #7. 1. Hakluyt thinks the Indians will welcome English colonizers as bearers of liberty because he insisted empire and freedom went hand in hand. English settlements would help to rescue the New World and its inhabitants from the influence of Catholicism and tyranny. Indians oppressed by Spain would welcome the British as the bearers…show more content…
1. Winthrop uses an analogy to the status of women within the family to explain his understanding of liberty in that the woman’s own choice makes such a man her husband yet being so chosen, he is her lord, and she is to be subject to him, yet in a way of liberty, not bondage, and true wife accounts her subjection her honor and freedom, and would not think her condition safe or free, but in her subjection to her authority to her husband. Such is the liberty of the church under the authority of Christ, her king and husband… 2. Winthrop considers “natural” liberty dangerous because it is corrupt. It is common to man beasts and other creatures. It allows evil as well as good. #11. 1. The major charges against Anne Hutchinson are sedition (expressing opinions dangerous to authority). She troubled the church and the commonwealth , she held meetings and assembly in her house, 2. The Hutchinson case tells us that the Puritan leaders had very patriarchal ideas and male dominant religion. If you were not the male gender, you were basically not allowed to maintain religious opinions or ideals of your

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