What Are The Arguments Against Assisted Suicide

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Assisted Suicide Laurie Martin PHI 200 Christine Nortz Assisted Suicide After reading the story about the death of Susan Wolfs father and all that he went through prior to his death, I have some strong feelings on how I would feel and what I would do if put in the same situation. It is not a situation I would want to be in, but it is one that we all have to except the possibility of being in. Susan Wolf was in a very tough situation. I don’t know if I could handle the same, but if I were faced with a loved one in a lot of pain and being diagnosed as terminal, I think I would do the same thing. I don’t have a problem with assisted suicide and think it should be legalized. I don’t think it should be called suicide. Call it assisted dying if they need a name…show more content…
If a doctor can definitely say there is no hope of ever getting better and that you only have three to six months left to live, then I feel it should be the terminally ills choice as to what happens from there. If they choose to stop all treatment and don’t want to prolong their death then it should be…show more content…
I can’t say that there is anything that I disagree with, as far as what she did or the way she felt. She was right there doing everything she could, fighting for her father’s rights right up till the end. She was by her father’s side through it all. I am glad she had the strength to tell him it was okay to let go if he had to. They say some people hold on till they hear that from a loved one. I think that is probably one of the hardest things a person has to do when they are confronted with a loved one that knows they are getting ready to die. I can only hope that if the time ever comes that I am put in that situation, I would have the strength to do the

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