What Causes A Serial Killer

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Serial killings aren’t a new trend. Serial killings can date back to as far as 1798 with the Harpe brothers Micajah and Wiley, whom terrorized the back woods of Kentucky and Tennessee (Tru Tv Crime Library). During the course of the time while being in the serial killers class there have been numerous serial killers discussed, but only a few actually stood out, such as: Ted Bundy, Ed-Gain, John Wayne Gacy and Gary Ridgway. The question that still ponders is, “What Makes a Serial Killer?” Some killings could have been said to be because of a brain abnormality, an abusive childhood, or is the child insane, defined by legal definition? Every individual brain is made up of the same components to make it function. There are three parts of the…show more content…
There is no known fact to answer this question because there have been many kids that have been abused physically, mentally, and sexually by his or her parents but they did not grow up to be serial killers. According to Joel Norris, he states that, “Parents who abuse their children, physically as well as psychology instill in them an almost instinctive reliance upon violence as a first resort to any challenge.” (Norris, 1989) In some cases parents believe that if they discipline their children it will make them tougher when they grow up. Often sometimes children don’t see that when they are being disciplined it makes a child start to lack love for their parents and it makes the child go out and do things like setting fires, misbehaving in school and the need to torture animals to release the anger they have built up inside of them from the hurt that their parents have called all because they wanted to discipline their child (Norris, 1989). When a child torture or kill an animal does that automatically mean that the child will grow up to become a serial killer? Or is it the only way a child can release all the hatred and angry that they are suppressing from being abused by their parents? Or is the child just insane? Who knows! Are the killers insane by legal definition? Insane by legal definition is defined as a mental illness of such nature in which a person cannot tell the difference between what a fantasy is and what reality is (13Fe). When we as people in today’s society hear that a person is insane we instantly say, oh he is crazy or oh she is crazy!! A serial killer cannot always be declared insane because some of them posses and high IQ which means they are highly intelligent. Only less than five percent have been declared insane

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