What Does Beowulf's Boast In Lines 2515 Say About His Character

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Cantos 31-43 1. Describe how Beowulf becomes king of the Geats. How long was he King? Higd’s son dies, Replaces Higlac’s son, greatness, 50yrs; lines 2206-2211 2. How does the dragon react when it notices its cup has been stolen? Angry -> attacks countryside, fire, (Canto 32-34 italics) Enraged…”furious at the theft…attacks the countryside…the companions listened to Beowulf” 3. What does Beowulf's boast in lines 2511-2515 say about his character? He’s never afraid…”I’ve never known fear” lines 2511; Experienced when fighting the battles 2512-15; Even though he’s old he is still confident, stereotypical Anglo-Saxon (boasting, fame), not satisfied with having only previous rewards – “I am old now, …fight…seek fame still” (lines 2512-2513) 4. Why does…show more content…
How is the dragon killed? 2704-2708 = cutting it in half, “Beowulf drew battle sharpened dagger…and joined in the dragon’s death”; (lines 2695-2711) Wiglaf stabs him; Beowulf slices him in half with dagger 9. How is Beowulf killed? Dragon bit into neck and tusks were venomous – B = poisoned (lines 2712ish); lines 2691-93 “watching for its chance it drove its tusks into B’s neck” 10. What request does Beowulf make at the end of Canto 37? Wiglaf to be King/successor; make a memorial and funeral pyre; bring back all treasure so that he gets to see it; lines 2746-2756 “bring me…gems before I die..death will be softer leaving life…if I look at all these prizes” 11. Summarize Beowulf's last words to Wiglaf. Gives Wiglaf all his things…rings and treasures and talks about building the funeral pyre; 2809 – “Then that brave king gave the golden necklace from around his throat to Wiglaf…helmet and ring and mail shirt…use them well”; Treasure is theirs as well as the glory (lines 2745- end Canto 37) “gold is ours too, …hurry…before I die…death will be softer…”; fame, fortune (materialism), “you’re the last of our family…death is waiting and now I follow them” (lines 2816-2818) fulfilled his

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