What Ideas About Society Does Steinbeck Present Using Curley in the of Mice and Men?

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Part b - What ideas about society does Steinbeck present using Curley in the novel? A way that Steinbeck presents ideas about the society through Curley is shown by how determined he is to prove his masculinity to the other men on the ranch. He has done this by marrying an attractive woman. Throughout the book she is only referred to as "Curley's wife" by all characters in the novel, which emphasizes the idea of Curley owning her as a possession. Curley refuses to let her talk to anyone on the ranch and isolating her from everyone else which can tell us how men in the 1930s objectified and only used women to portray themselves strongly. Despite the fact that Curley is married, he relentlessly visits the brothel on a Saturday night. This can show us that men like Curley used to take advantage of women and only saw them as a sexual representation. In addition to this, we find out that Curley’s wife knows exactly where men like Curley go to on a Saturday night, “Think I don’t know where they all went? Even Curley. I know where they all went.” This shows us that Curley’s wife is aware of what men in the society are like but she still decides to stay with him because she had no choice – highlights the inferior of women. Another way that Curley tries to prove himself to the ranchmen is by constantly finding opportunities to vigorously pick a fight – especially with Lennie to demonstrate his power against everyone else. “No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me.” Shows us that he does this to resent himself from being a smallish man, this can reflect on him knowing that his size is his weakness in comparison to Lennie’s bear-like physical features. All this gives the reader an idea that men in the 1930s were careless and they would do anything to prove their authority – no matter what. Steinbeck also conveys the clear class divisions that were present in the 1930s.

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