What Is Sexism

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What is sexism? Sexism is a form of discrimination based on gender. Sexism defines women as different from and inferior to men; it can be overt, but can also be subtle. Like racism, sexism makes gender roles seem natural when they are actually rooted in entrenched systems of power and privilege (pg 275). Sexism is prevalent in society's first teachings to children. A baby girl is taught to play with dolls, while a baby boy is taught to play with trucks and guns. We expect girls to demonstrate passive gentle characteristics, while developing aggressive behavior in boys. While many people use the term specifically to describe discrimination against women, sexism can also affect men and transsexuals, along with individuals who eschew traditional gender roles and identities, such as people who identify as homosexual. The study of sexism is a complex field. It can also refer to hatred of, or prejudice towards, either sex as a whole or the application of stereotypes of masculinity in relation to men, or of femininity in relation to women. I feel as if we have all sometime in our lives come across some form of sexism. I do believe that this will always be. We as a society may change things, such as laws and how we view women in the workforce, but sexism will always be a part of our society because of stereotyping and men will downplay women in any way we see fit to hold them at a lower lever, because they need power. Men want to feel superior. To give a historical example, jobs that were once held by men, but became dominated by women, wages declined as women became more numerous. This devalued the work that women do both in dollar terms and in more subjective perceptions (pg 276). This issue leads to discrimination against men in the workforce, but this type of discrimination is "positive discrimination" as far as modern feminism is concerned. Feminism is not a single

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