What Were They Like, English Language Paper 2

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Compare the way the poets use structure and language to convey meaning in ‘What were they like?’ and one other poem. (27 marks) I am going to compare the way in which poets use structure and language to convey meaning in ‘What were they like?’ and ‘Island Man’. I have chosen Island Man as my second poem because I believe that like ‘What were they like’, it has an interesting structure that leaves a lot of room for comparison. Levertov using quite a unique way of structuring her poem by setting it out in a “question answer” structure – each question is paired with a like numbered answer. By using this technique the poet is conveying a childlike innocence within the poem that contrasts with the horrific language used in the ‘answers’. I believe the questions are conveyed in a childlike way because they are short and fairly simple, yet asked without the sensitivity an adult may have in a similar situation. The use of enjambment helps keep the rhythm of the poem flowing however the fact that a reader would have to stop and search for the answer below could be because the poem wants to create the natural pause a person would take when addressed with questions so close to home and heart. In island man the structure is used to convey the drowsiness of sleep that has settled over the Island Man. The first line “morning” stands alone and conveys that the morning is a meaningful and significant time for him. The lack of punctuation keeps the structure freeform and conveys the idea that the Island man’s mind, coming out of a deep sleep, is not functioning properly yet. The lines “groggily groggily” are set apart from the rest of the line and this use of structure indicates that the Island Man has woken from his slumber. Another use of placing a line ahead of the rest of the stanza is “to surge of wheels” this line creates a meaning of the line surging forward like a

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