Who Is To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Many things can get in the way of true love. Love makes people do crazy things. In the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, the main character's parents get in the way of the main character's love. It was the parents fault that lead to the death of Romeo and of Juliet. The battle and hate of the two households force Romeo into getting banished. Another reason is that the parents of Juliet do not let her have any freedom. Lastly the parents force Juliet into marrying Paris without her concent. The battle and hate of the two households force Romeo into getting banished. Romeo was banished because he killed Tybalt. Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt killed his bestfriend. Without the banishment of Romeo, Juliet would not have thougth of such a horrific plan to reunite with Romeo. "Hold, daughter. I do spy a kind of hope, which craves as desperate an execution as that is desperate which we would prevent."-Friar(Act IV.I.68-70) This states that the Friar is willing to reunite Romeo and Juliet without Juliet killling herself first. Juliet will be willing to stab herself to death before marrying Paris. Juliet will do anything to not marry Paris.…show more content…
Juliet is locked up in her home without being able to get out of the house. Sometimes she is able to get out of the house, but when she does she has to be accompined with her servant. The only way that she is able to get out of the house alone is if she is going to church to confess the sins that she has made. "Have you got leave to go to shrift today?"-Nurse(Act II.V.66) The Nurse asks Juliet if she has gotten the permission to go out and take confession. The Nurse asks that because the Nurse knows that, that will be the only way Juliet will be able to marry Romeo in secrecy and without her servant witnessing the love their love for each

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