Why Does King Use Figurative Language To Convey The Importance Of Belonging?

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Area of Study Belonging Question One – Short Answer Questions Question One of Paper One is designed to ease you into your first HSC Exam. Consisting of a number of short answer questions, this section is your chance to show off your amazing insight into how several unseen texts present different ideas about belonging. You will be asked to do a number of different things when answering questions. A glossary of different terms used in these questions is provided below. Analyse – Identify components and the relationship between them, exploring how techniques convey concepts Assess - Establish the value of a particular idea or text Compare – Show how things are similar or different Describe – Provide characteristics and features…show more content…
3 Marks Text Three – Speech (d) Provide ONE metaphor used by King to convey the sense of not belonging felt by the African American people 1 Mark (e) How does King use figurative language to convey the importance of belonging to the nation for the African American people? 3 Marks Texts One, Two and Three (f) Analykse and compare how TWO of these texts represent the importance of belonging to place 5 Marks Question Two – The Creative Response Question two requires that you write a creative response that 1. Considers audience, purpose, context and form 2. Is sustained, original and imaginative 3. Explores the concept of belonging in a perceptive way 4. Skilfully employs a range of language forms, features and structures You could be asked to write in a specific text type or any form you wish to write in. The question could require that you write a * Short story or narrative * Journal entry * Speech * Interview * Reflective response * Diary Entry * Feature Article * Script/discussion between two people * Television show

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