Why Is Christopher Columbus Wrong

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Christopher Columbus “sailed the ocean blue” in 1492. He is given so much credit for not being the first persons who settled on American land, actually Native Americans (the Arawaks) were already living there. Although Columbus came about American land which he called “The Indies”, he was set out on his voyage to find Asia, Columbus did not expect to find the Americas, not to mention how welcoming and generous the Arawaks were- he clearly took advantage of them by leading to killing all Arawaks , allowing them to become nonexistent, he also is given credit because he “proved the world is round” actually, he was not the first person that proved this- therefore, Columbus was falsely given credit for finding the Americas, proving “the world is round,” and should not be considered a hero or have a holiday for his unexpected finding and cruel treatment to the…show more content…
to 1650 A.D. Columbus did not find the Americas. Therefore, he should not have been given credit for finding the Americas when he did not even have the knowledge to know he was really in Americas, not Asia. Giving the credit to Columbus is quite frankly unfair to Native Americans and should be a rather disappointment to the United States human society. It has been said that Columbus “proved the world is round.” Educated peoples in Europe already knew the world was a sphere about more than 1,500 years before Columbus was born. He thought he could reach Asia by sailing west from Europe, taking approximately 12,000 miles. Most people believed it would take about 24,000 miles and they were correct. Columbus did not “prove the world was round” and even wrongly thought he was in Asia because of his wrong calculations and convinced himself that he was

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