Why Is Embryonic Stem Cell Wrong

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Embryonic Stem Cell Reasearch Paper Ryan Kerr English 1 February 18, 2009 Embryonic Stem Cells Hi, I’m Ryan Kerr. I have Parkinson’s disease, and I hear that it can be cured by embryonic stem cells. There is one thing that is stopping me from getting cured. The government has put bans on the research for the development for embryonic stem cells, and most people are opposed of this idea of happening. I’m here to say that it should be allowed, so that more people like me can be cured. It’s a great advancement for medicine. Other people out there with other diseases that can’t be cured have a better chance of living a normal life. The ban that the Congress put on embryonic stem cell research states, no federal government…show more content…
That is the people. Most people are fighting against stem cell research. The biggest conflict between the two sides is the ethical issue that the research is killing human beings. People against it are saying that a person begins when the egg is fertilized. So with that, they think the embryo is already a human being. The other side, which I’m pro for, is saying that the egg may be potential for human life when fertilized, but if it doesn’t attach itself to the uterus than it isn’t considered one (Advance Science Serving Society). As a whole most people are against it, because they’re scared of what we could do and see how far we can go with the technology we have. I understand the reason for most of those people’s worries. I was scared with what we could do myself, but I have a way we could make people not as scared. We could educate them, and if they still don’t like it, then they have a real reason not to like it than not knowing about…show more content…
Embryonic stem cell research is the process of taking embryos during there first week of fertilization, and culturing them into making them into anything they need. Whether it is to cure a disease, or to make a new organ for transplant. Now, there are many differences between embryonic and adult stem cells. The first difference is those scientists get embryonic stem cells from embryos. They get adult stem cells from umbilical cord blood, after the baby has been born. There are other differences too. Embryos are unspecialized cells, which means they can become any kind of cells in the body. On the other hand, adult stem cells are specialized cells, which means they can only change into certain cells (Bethesda,
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