Witch Hunt, Then and Now

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WITCH-HUNTS, THEN AND NOW Based on “The Devil Discovered” By Latanya C. Gibson Student # 21471631 Submitted for SSC 105 Readings in World Civilization 4/25/2013 Research project number: 05023800 Witch Hunts, Then and Now I choose to complete my research paper on “Witch Hunts, Then and Now.” In my research I will show the similarities and differences of the “Salem Witch Trails” and the “Second Red Scare”. These two events proved to me that the powers that be in the world can do injustice and find away to make it look legal. Human rights seem important to us little people but the powers that be seem to always have another plan in mine for what we call rights. I choose this research assignment because the Salem Witch Trials had an effect on the church. Being a Christian, these events caught my attention. In both cases, the outcome of how the leaders at that time responded was a result of fear of the unknown. The second Red Scare that transpired in America from 1947-1957 was a result of United States leaders thinking communism was going to be unleashed in the United States. Senator McCarthy was willing to do whatever possible to ensure that communist politics were not going to enter the United States. Following the confessions of the multiple Americans on trial for treason and revealing the United States’ government secrets, McCarthyism was born. Senator McCarthy was so focused on keeping communism out of the United States; he had government officials and Hollywood’s “A” list interrogated to see if they supported communism and to see if they were Russian spies. I mean, even the wealthiest of them all at the time couldn’t get around these interrogations. Also, Senator McCarthy had full support of J. Edger Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Intelligence at that time in history. In Salem in 1962, power struggling leaders wanting to disperse of

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