Wolf-Beiderman's Deep Impact

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Deep Impact starts off with a young astronomy student, Leo Beiderman discovering a large comet. What he doesn't know is that the comet is headed straight for Earth and is an E.L.E., extinction level event. The comet is 7 miles long and 500 billion tons in weight, roughly the size of Manhattan and the heft of Mt. Everest. The only thing on its mind is to keep on coming towards Earth. After we learn all of this, the story falls into a grove that follows a MSNBC reporter, Jenny Lerner who is investigating a report, stumbles upon the E.L.E. The Americans and Russians have not been sitting idly on their hands waiting for the comet Wolf-Beiderman to come and wipe out humanity. During the year that the comet was only known to the two governments, they have been building a spaceship to fly…show more content…
She gleans a name 'Ellie' assuming it to be the name of the 'other' woman. Using this information, she presses the White House for more information, hoping for a scoop. The government assume she knows the real identity of Ellie and go public with the news that a comet, named Wolf-Beiderman is heading for Earth, Having poked around a little more, she discovers enough to "force" the President of the United States to announce what is going to happen to the Earth and will have to be deflected by means of exploding a nuclear weapon on the comet. If not, the Earth will suffer an Extinction Level Event (Ellie) - the end of mankind. Unsure of how successful the mission will be, the government has taken the precaution of digging gigantic bunkers which will house a selection of the U.S. population for up to two years, where they can sit out the aftermath of an impact. Just one problem - the bunkers can only hold one million people, so a lottery will be held to select 800,000 people to join 200,000 'essential' personnel (scientists, doctors, lobbyists,
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