Zora Neale Hurston Sweat Summary

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Sweat Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat” explores the women problems in male domination society in the 1926. The story’s point of view is third person omniscient. “Sweat” is about an African American women living miserably because of hard work and an abusive husband. This story starts with the conflict between a unhappy married couple of fifteen years. Delia is a protagonist, who is suffering in an abusive and unhappy marriage of her husband, Skyes. He is a horrified man, who always abuses his wife because of racial and sex oppression, and he always try to frighten his wife with snakes because he knows she fears over them. Delia changes her nature after knowing her husband plan to get rid of her from her house, so he can live with another girl, Bertha. Delia becomes tougher, and at the climax, she does not help her husband to stop from his death. Delia’s attitude toward her unhappy marriage changes because of her husband’s physical and emotional harassments…show more content…
For example, Delia is passive, religious and hard working woman, but at the end, she changes her attitude towards her husband because of his mistreatment and unfaithfulness. These conflicts and her husband mischievousness cause the death of her husband by his own plan. In a real life, women experience the same kind of situations. For example, one of my mother’s friends gets married with a man, who drinks all the day and abuses her. She only doing job for both of them. She bears his torture for ten years, but he does not take care of her and kids. One day he tries to sell one of his kids for money to drink alcohol; then she vexed toward his attitude and they got divorce each other. In conclusion, everyone can bear some harassment, but if it is extreme, it can be lead to different consequences like death, divorce,

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