How Does It Promote Diversity In Health And Social Care Work

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The equality and diversity act 2010 is legislation that was put in place to give equal rights and opportunities for people regardless of age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, race or religion. This legislation promotes diversity, equality and inclusion and makes it a requirement that it is practiced and included in the health and social care setting. It makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals in any way. To ensure we value diversity we need to consider the individual’s identity, I feel that in my work environment I do this by encouraging the lady and gentlemen I support to do as much on their own as they can. It may be something simple such as washing themselves or cleaning their own teeth. Not assuming that they cannot do things. Helping them to make their own decisions…show more content…
I need to work in a person centred way and take into account the service users likes and dislikes, beliefs and any personal history they have , I can deliver the best care possible to them. At the same time I need to offer assistance they may require within my role of a support worker. Diversity should be valued as no individual is the same as any other. People don’t always accept what is different and diversity can lead a society to grow or to lead to violence and hatred. Sometimes it can be that people are a little afraid of an individual who is different, I have found in my work role that some people can be very hesitant to talk to the people I support. The lady and gentleman I support are incredibly friendly and I try to encourage people to speak to them and not me about them. Once they realise that they do understand and can have a conversation about things they normally change their demeanour towards them and treat them equally. There was an incident on the bus once with the lady I support, when a lady was sitting by the wheelchair area and refused to move for my lady’s wheelchair
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