Concealed Sin In The Scarlet Letter

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Concealed Sin of Dimmesdale In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, there is a stress on the conflict with concealed sin. Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is a clear character of anguish that concealed sin can bring upon an individual. Dimmesdale lived his life as an exceedingly popularized character of innocence. He kept his troubles hidden from the townspeople. He lived with his troubles and was distressed by the thoughts of his sin on a daily basis throughout his life. In The Scarlet Letter, concealed sin took a great affect on Arthur Dimmesdale through his ministry role, physical well being, and through his agonized soul. Truly, Dimmesdale's ministerial status has a considerable influence on his concealed sin. "People say, said another, 'that the Reverend Master Dimmesdale, her godly pastor, takes it very grievously to his heart that such a scandal has come upon his congregation" (Hawthorne 178). He is constantly put on a pedestal, "the agony with which this public veneration tortured him. It was his genuine impulse to adore the truth, and to reckon all things shadow-like, and utterly devoid of weight or value” (Hawthorne 145). Dimmesdale felt as though he could not let anyone know his undisclosed sin either, in a worry that the public eye would judge him negatively. Specifically,…show more content…
The sin, which is exposed and confessed, frees the sinner from torturing inside under his conscience, but the sin, which is concealed and hidden, tends to deteriorate the sinner's bodily condition and cause death. Dimmesdale’s sin causes them to worry continually about their sins being discovered. This constant anxiety leads to the deterioration of both spiritual and physical health. For these reasons altogether, it is safe to say that concealed sin takes a greater toll on Arthur

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