Delivering an Effective Counselling Session

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This essay is going to examine the key personal skills that are essential for the delivery of a successful and effective counselling session. I suggest three of the most important qualities to possess within a counselling relationship are trust, empathy and confidentiality without which, the counselling relationship would not survive beyond the first hurdle. I am going to therefore explore the key signs of an empathic understanding and the positive impact this can have on the client's wellbeing. I will then outline the hurdles that need to be overcome overcome to deliver a session effectively with specific focus on my own prejudices and communication barriers. In addition I am going to explore how the client might feel in a session and the blocks, fears and uncertainties they may encounter. By way of background I will highlight person centred counselling which was pioneered by the eminent psychologist, Carl Rogers. Sincerity is key to being a good counsellor and the client needs to know that the counsellor has their best interests at heart, and are without a doubt sincere in what is said and what is professed. Courage in a counselling relationship is defined as acting in spite of known fears. Essentially, courage is strengthened with confidence in self and nothing can be achieved without courage. In my opinion, both empathy and sincerity are two of the most important qualities to have within a counselling relationship. Empathy can be defined as understanding a client’s problem from the client’s perspective and being in the client’s shoes and understanding the client’s frame of reference. Trust is built on the ability of the counsellor acknowledging what the client is saying by using empathic responses, e.g. The client says “I don’t know what is happening” with the counsellor responding “you seem to feel confused. These are examples
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