Explain a Utilitarian Approach to War

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Josh Mouzer Ethics 25th January 2015 Explain a Utilitarian approach to war pacifism is immoral. Discuss. The principle of utilitarianism is what will cause the most happiness for the majority of people. When a utilitarian approaches the topic of war they will use the hedonic calculus to decide which will result in the most happiness. The general thinking is that if war will result in greater happiness than the current situation then it is fine. However in this essay i will look at act,rule Utilitarianism and also see the preference utilitarianism approaches to war. Rule utilitarianism is the principle applied to a selection of set rules which are used to determine what to do in a particular situation( in this case war). John Stuart Mill (1806-73) created the theory of Rule utilitarianism. He saw that an action had to cause the greatest or purist happiness. Therefore in the situation of war, Mill would think what would cause the best amount of happiness for people. The general rules that he would follow is: what would be the consequences of war? Would everyone be happy with this? Who would have the most happiness (qualitative). However Act Utilitarians like Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) would argue that in some situations like war there is not enough time to think about the consequences and so should use the hedonic calculus. The hedonic calculus has 7 elements about how much pleasure is made: how deep, how long, how certain/uncertain, how near or far, how continuous, how secure, how universal? This method gives Act Utilitarians a method of testing if an action is morally right (if war would be morally right). However critics say that the calculus would only help you guess the future and therefore would act on what would cause the largest quantity of pleasure. Therefore if war would cause the most amount of pleasure for the longest amount
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