How Does Ww1 Affect The Economy

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At the beginning of World War I America attempted to stay neutral and focus on asserting their dominance throughout the western hemisphere, but as the war progressed it became clearer that America wanted and needed to enter the war. While many things had a profound impact on America’s entrance into WWI, American economic interests, Woodrow Wilson’s idealism, and American claim to world power, weighed heavily on the final decision to declare war on Germany. War provides a great opportunity for economic and industrial growth, a chance to change, and claim world power, as long as the country wins the war. American economic benefits of the war were not as prominent a factor as others, but nevertheless it did affect America’s decision to declare war. The economic side effects of entering a war can be beneficial to a country. The need for weapons and machinery can jump start industrial production. World War I, as well as WWII, was considered total wars, which means that a country put all of its resources into the war. When America officially…show more content…
He had incredible ideas of massive change for world peace and he found the conclusion of “The war to end all wars,” to be the best time to introduce his ideas and attempt to make the world safe for democracy. Wilson’s crusade for making the world safe for democracy led America to support the US’s entrance into the war. It was also seen by many Americans that France and Britain were fighting good fight against evil and America felt that they should be assisting, if not fighting that evil along side France and Britain. The desire to implement his ideas in the world influenced his decision to enter America into the Great War. When the war finally ended, many of his 14 points were rejected because of France and Britain’s need for revenge. The only one that he was able to implement was the League of Nations, which proved to be a huge
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