“Free Will Is an Illusion. What Seems to Be Freely Chosen Behaviour Is Really the Result Go Internal and External Forces Acting Upon the Individual” Discuss This View.

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“Free will is an illusion. What seems to be freely chosen behaviour is really the result go internal and external forces acting upon the individual” Discuss this view. Quite simply, the idea of free will is that individuals have complete control over their life and their destiny. Believers of free will are of the opinion that human behaviour is the result of choices which each individual makes for themselves; external factors do not influence behaviour in any way. In total opposition to this belief is determinism, the theory that all behaviour is pre-ordained and we cannot chose our destiny so to speak. This idea can be most clearly seen in psychological approaches such as the biological or the behaviourist. Other approaches such as the cognitive approach present the idea of soft determinism, the suggestion that whilst some behaviour is determined we still have some degree of control and choice over what we do. The most firm believers in free will are humanistic psychologists. The humanistic approach has been praised for its great emphasis on autonomy, the idea that we have control over everything we do. The approach also emphasises positivity and is immensely positive about human nature. Therefore it is no surprise that one of the main assumptions of humanism is that we are involved in life as opposed to being an abstraction to it. Humanistic psychologists also believe that all people have a strive towards self actualisation, a state in which we are at peace with the world and ourselves. Maslow presented the idea of the hierarchy of needs, a table that describes how one passes through stages in their life to become self actualised. Maslow believed that all humans have what is known as a growth potential. This is a strive to better themselves and the world. Motivation is the key to people bettering themselves and becoming self actualised. As each person

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