Health and Social Care Nvq 2

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The Role of the Health and Social Care Worker 1.1 A working relationship is differnt from a personal relationship because in work you have strict guidlines, boundries and professional code of conduct that has to be followed. Also in a working relationship you have a contract that you have to sign and also follow. 1.2 Differnt working relationships would be: · Care Worker · Nurse · Senior · Manager · SLO · Doctor · Family (Next of kin) · Chef 2.1: So that you do your job correctly. It unables you to know your job and responsibilitys and known your own skills. You also have to know your job discription as it is there for your protection and the residents. 2.2: In my workplace we have a training board that gets updated every so often and we also have a handover which tells you what has happned the night before or in the day. 2.3: Follow your code of conduct and your code of practice which would be: Choice, Independance, Safety, Respect and Dignity. 3.1: To make sure you are doing your work correctly because if we all work together with the one focus we will all understand the residents needs. 3.2: To improve partnership working in a workplace there needs to be good communication , regular meetings so that all the staff are kept up to date with what is going on. There also needs to be honesty and Integrety and good record keeping skills. 3.3: Be professional and patient, yourself and others need to be opened to others ideas and compramise together you also have to have skills and approach and you may also learn from others and accept the change when it is nessary. 3.4: Partnership Working If you are unsure about anything your seniors, nurses or any other workers can give you support and advice and if you feel you are not getting the support or advice that you wanted then go stright to your manager to prevent any isaetalion.

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