I Am Legend Companionship Quotes

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Cost of Companionship People all around the world are shaped by the circumstances and events that surround them. In the book I am Legend, Robert Neville is forced to face a world filled with an infectious disease. Not only does he have to deal with the vampires but he has to deal with them alone. Over the three years Robert faced these mutations, he transformed in a way that anyone would in this dystopia. He became more and more depressed as the book went along. One of the big themes in the book seems to be blood which somewhat of a foreshadow to what happens to him at the end of the book. As the book progresses Robert becomes more and more isolated and in need of companionship. Robert Neville has transformed into a much more morbid and depressed…show more content…
At the beginning of the book there were subtle signs of depression. Routine was something Neville was very big on; it was something he could rely on since there were no humans. “Go through the routine again? I’ll save you the trouble. Reading-drinking-soundproof-the-house—the women.”(Matheson 22). This shows his daily routine of his lonely life. Being isolated and sexual frustration became more of an issue as time went on. His desperation showed when he portrayed an interest in the “vampire”, Ruth. “The women, the lustful, bloodthirsty, naked women flaunting their hot bodies at him. No, not hot.”(Matheson 22). He knew they were just trying to lure him to come out but yet still Robert felt tempted. “What if she is infected, though? He argued with himself. The worry had started a few hours before, while Ruth was sleeping. Now, he couldn’t rid himself of the fear. No matter how he reasoned, it didn’t help.”(Matheson 114). Neville always relied solely on science but his mind was so hopeful for companionship he overlooked his reasoning and let her inside his house. Ruth ended up being a new kind of mutated “vampire” which he knew could happen. The new kinds of vampires were able to walk in the sun. His overlooking of science cost him his life in the end. All of these situations are the result of his isolation and loneliness. This happens to people all around the world due to lack of a support system. Depression is one of the leading mental illnesses in which people are diagnosed today. Without friends and family in people’s lives they have nowhere to turn but themselves. Over time the only thing that is left to do is to rely on something that will take the pain away even though it may be wrong. This can connect to Robert Neville since took Ruth in even know he knew she could still be a vampire, he just need a little escape from reality just like people

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