Jnt2 Task 1

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JNT2-Task 1 Tiffany Schmidt March 8, 2014 Define a problem Four students in a 3rd grade resource classroom have been observed inappropriately capitalizing letters. Students have been observed capitalizing the first letter in every word during spelling class. In language class students failed their language test due to the capitalization errors. After reviewing capitalization rules the language test was retaken. Students failed the second test as well. Extensive instructional review of capitalization rules may be needed. Current Conditions versus Desired Conditions Currently students do not understand any of the capitalization rules. The desired condition would be for all students to capitalize the beginning of every sentence, capitalize the pronoun I, capitalize proper names, days of the week, and the months of the year. Discussion of the Data Instruments Used The data instruments used existed records and an observation checklist. I chose to use existing records to show that previous instruction had failed and additional instruction may be needed. I also chose an observation checklist to show where individual students were showing deficiencies in previous instruction. Discussion of Sources of Data The existing records used were grades from the last two language tests. All four of the students failed the language tests both times. A para-professional teaches the language class and had reviewed capitalization rules before retesting. The observation checklist was given to the classroom teacher and the para-professional teaching the language class. The observation checklist was for each student. The observation checklist has all capitalization components are listed. The classroom teacher and paraprofessional are asked to check if the student is following the capitalization rule or failing to follow the capitalization rule. The purpose of this
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