Life In David Sedaris A Plague Of Tic

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a Ta 1 Vui Ta WR 201 William Lemon 08/02/2012 David Sedaris’ Life in A Plague of Tic When you see the people who act panicky actions, what do you think about? In A Plague of Tics, taken from Naked, Sedaris breaks down the eccentricity such as licking things, tapping his shoes over his forehead, and rocking. Through the essay, he describes his suffering of his obsessive-compulsive disease that makes him an outcast from elementary into college. Moreover, he not only allows the audiences to take a look at his personal life but also leads the readers to relate his struggles. By struggling with his tics, Sedaris discovers a way to control his outlandish behaviors that make him normal in society’s eyes. By using…show more content…
The author incorporates all sorts of humor to somewhat ease the tension of revealing his life; the readers may get a real sense of self-representation while reading. He realizes his peculiar behaviors lead him to an outcast; nevertheless, he does not know what is causing him to act like that. Even his parents, his teachers are unaware of it. Additionally, he could not understand why he was the one getting laughed at his odd behaviors; even though, he tried to figure out it, “I was damned if I could find it (Sedaris, p361),” but he still “had to do these things because nothing was worse than the anguish of not doing them (Sedaris, p361).” At Sedaris first-hand account shows the audiences his struggles of disease that strange and socially…show more content…
His life became more complicated when he entered college and had to contend with a roommate. Now he has no privacy, so instead of trying to explain his tics to roommate, he tries to hide them. He makes excuses like, “the doctors tell me that if I knock it around hard enough, there is a good chance the brain tumor will shrink to the point where they won’t have to operate (Sedaris, p 368).” Also, he imagines conspiracies to eliminate his roommate; unluckily, he must cope with it because his roommate tries to find out his tics. As a result, Sedaris gets rid of his weird actions by smoking to be normal. It seems his roommate gave him an invisible power to overcome his nervous habits. If he is previously an outcast, thanks to smoking he turns into normal. With a slapstick Ta 3 humor, the author pulls the readers forward to the most interesting aspects of his life. Smoking is a big event to help him having a better life that lets him to communicate with people. At the end his story, he uses the hot-air balloon to emphasize his success of smoking; it releases him from mental disorders. It shows that he cures his disease by himself. Sedaris understands smoking’s health risk, but this is the most useful choice to help him be normal because he lacks of supports of others.
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