Martix/ A Brain In A Vat/ The Allegory Cave

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Philosophy Truth, Reality and Free Will When a person thinks of free will, what is it that we have come to believe it truly is? “Free” meaning (not under obligation) and “Will” (the mental faculty of deciding upon a course of action). So then the thought of what exactly can we decide what “obligation” is? I could keep giving you dictionary statements of each word, but it all comes down to the fact that free will isn’t so “free” after all. In Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave we are show a story in which a prisoner raised in a cave chained to view a wall, unable to move or turn its head. And in the back of the cave a fire, while others move objects and statues of people, animals, ECT…. the only truths these prisoners have come to learn of reality are the shadows and themselves. Then suddenly one of the prisoners is set free to leave the cave. When finally able to turn its head around, the prisoner first starts to acknowledge that what they have been seeing are only the shadows of the objects that pass by the fire. That’s when the idea of what is the true reality kicks in. that of which it has known all of its life or that which it has been shown to be the true reality. He is then taken out of the cave and see’s the world of what it is now being shown as it that being the true reality of the world not the shadows that he has only seen. Seeing this, the prisoner would start o contemplate what is the true reality that which it has known or this new world that it is being shown. The prisoner of course has the choice to go back to what is knows to be of true reality the shadows or stay in this new world in which it is meant to believe is reality. Would the prisoner want to go back to his old ways and continue on believing that the shadows are all the truth or to live in this new world? How much freedom is there in this choice? Although the choice may be the prisoners
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