Without Freedom Is Impossible To Make Moral Choice

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“Without freedom, it is impossible to make moral choice” Discuss. “In order to make a choice, we must be free” is a quote from Immanuel Kant stating his view on freedom. Kant strongly believed that the existence of morality implied the existence of freedom. He said that if you don’t have free will you couldn’t be moral because you can’t be responsible for your actions. He believes that a person is blameworthy if they could have done differently to committing the immoral act, for example if you were forced a bank whilst being held at gunpoint, you are not blameworthy. Free will is the ability to make free, unhindered choices and those who believe in free will believe that we must be held morally responsible for our actions, as it was our…show more content…
If our lives were determined, we don’t make choices; they are merely illusions. John Locke uses the example of a locked room. A sleeping man is locked in a darkened room. On awakening, he decides he will remain in the room (unaware that the room is locked). In reality, the man has no freedom to choose…he cannot leave the room, should he wish to or not. However, his ignorance of his situation leads him to believe that he has chosen to remain in the room. Thus, he merely has the illusion of free will. So, in order to make moral choices we would need to be free because choices cannot be made if we are determined. If our lives are determined then our choices are not our actual choices, they are an illusion. All of our so-called choices have been determined for us and we choose them because it has been planned all along. If this were the case, our choices may be moral but we cannot accept praise for them because they were not really our own choice. Blame and praise are vital to libertarians because only when you make a moral choice freely can you be praised and when you make an immoral choice freely you can be held responsible. Determinism takes away any need for praise or blame because if our lives are determined, we are never responsible for the things we do. With determinism, making moral choices is not meaningful and it is still possible to make immoral
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