Nvq 5 501

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N.V.Q. UNIT 501 1.1 There are several groups of individuals whose communication needs must be assessed as part of my role as care manager. There are the staff team that work for me and the residents who live in the Care Home I manage. Then there are the teams of health professionals who support us in varying roles i.e. C.P.N.’s O.T.’s, Psychiatrists etc… There are also individuals such as G.P’s, Dentists and family members for example who I have to communicate with. Sometimes I have to speak to groups of people say at a staff meeting for example. But at other times to individuals i.e. supervision meetings or an appointment with a family member of a resident. Sometimes I have to organise M.D.T. meetings which may include large groups of people. This may well be health care professionals, residents, staff members, G.P’s, family and friends… anyone who’s is involved in the particular residents care. I will have to address the whole group of people and communicate in a way that everyone can comprehend. This may include spoke word, sign language, braille, hand outs, leaflets even pictures as an aid to communication. If there were people attending whose first language wasn’t English I may have to use an interpreter to facilitate this. I would have to prepare in advance for a meeting such as this and tailor the meeting to suite all the communication needs. 1.2 Sometimes the people we support cannot make themselves understood while planning meetings with these people but they may well need their help. So as part of our job we have to assist communication between the two parties. While caring for someone we will gain lots of knowledge about them. Through good care Plans and information gathered about them and aslo by getting to know the person. Through this process we should be able to gain enough knowledge to be able to support their communication needs. A simple
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