Nvq3 Assignment 206 Task B (Handout)

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NVQ3 TASK B 206 Handout This handout has been designed to assist you during this staff induction, It should be used as a guideline, and read in conjunction with the rest of your induction folder contents. Agreed ways of working, means that this company, managers, colleagues and yourself, are bound to work to an agreed set of guidelines, policies, practices and procedures that have been prepared and designed to incorporate the whole company, and to bring consistency to the team as a whole. Limitations are set out within your job role description. Please identify these limitations, and ensure that you work within this role. Amongst the company's policies and procedures, you will find such guidelines, as 'equality and diversity'., and 'dealing with harassment and bullying at work' These policies exists to enable all employees to work cohesively. Please make sure that you familiarise yourself with all of the company policies that will assist you within your job role. It is not only important for the company to have full and up to date details of agreed ways of working, it is also a legal requirement. It is vital that this company can show up to date documents, in the forms of policies and procedures, so that employees can gain a better insight into how the company works with others to promote best practice. Little or no documentation relating to agreed ways of working, would breach national regulations, and the standards of this company. It is vital that social care workers follow guidance and work to the limitations set within their own, defined job role description. If these limits are compromised, others could be put at risk through bad practice. An employee who has never received training in medication, is not allowed, under any circumstances, to be responsible for any form of administering or ordering of, any type of medication. Without adequate

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