Role Of Fear In Macbeth

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Fear is an emotion that motivates us to do many things no matter if they are right or wrong. In the play of Macbeth, it was fear that was the main motivating factor which creates more fear and finally influenced the outcome of the play. Macbeth, the character is a man living in fear who cannot escape the continuous cycle without creating more and more fear as he deepens himself even further into a situation from which he cannot possibly escape. However, Macbeth is desperate to become King and thinks that by being totally loyal to Duncan, he will achieve this objective. And when the time Duncan announces that his son Malcolm will be his successor as king of Scotland, Macbeth is angry and yet fears of not being king. Meanwhile, his wife lady…show more content…
The vicious chain reaction of fear continues. After Macbeth kills Duncan, he is too scared to even carry the daggers back into the king’s chamber. He is completely surrounded by the immense fear which takes root in his mind and repeatedly reminds him of the fact that the regicide will eventually be discovered. In order to relieve this horror, Macbeth has no choices but to blame the murderous deed upon the two drunken chamberlains who are instigated by both Duncan’s sons. After he is successfully crowned as the king of Scotland, the prior fear fades away and begets another fear which forms images in Macbeth’ head with the previous scene of the day where him and Banquo listen to the prophecies of the three witches. This fear develops in Macbeth’s mind which can be seen clearly when Macbeth starts his soliloquy after informing Banquo about the Banquet that…show more content…
There is none but he whose being I do fear. From this soliloquy, it’s obvious that Macbeth is once again encompassed by the extreme terror that Banquo, his best friend may know about the truth of the deed. The fear of unsecured throne terrifies Macbeth and causes him to send murderers to perform the assassination of Banquo. Later on, the unexpected escape of Fleance triggers the ideas of visiting witches once more to seek his fate. After Macbeth knows the fact that he should be aware of Mcduff, he sends orders immediately to commence a full murder of Mcduff’s family. From this point on, Macbeth is a man who is no longer capable of thinking rationally and consciously, his mind is stuffed with fear and delirium. Furthermore, Fear is like a progressing cancer which deteriorates slowly and eventually comes to an end. After the death of queen and on the news of the advance of Birnam wood, Macbeth’s fear advances to despair which is the final stage of fear and manifest itself primarily as fury. He advances to defend his castle with his thought full of the witches’ promises. (Act 5, Scene 5, line

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