Scout's Tomboy Quotes

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Emily Hylton Mrs. Roy Honors English Period 4 9 October 2011 Scout’s Honor A tomboy, a quick learner, and a militant attitude combined make up Scout Finch, a little girl growing up in Maycomb, Alabama. Her personality and yearning for adventure gets her nose stuck in places where it doesn’t belong. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout and her brother Jem are trying to figure out the mystery of Boo Radley, the town spook. During this time, she gets caught in the confusing problems of prejudice with the case of Tom Robinson, an innocent black man. Scout, who has simple faith in the goodness of people, teaches us that we need to learn to accept that everyone has faults, but to always look for the virtues in them. Throughout her first days at school, Scout tries to act with the best intentions. She explains to Miss Caroline Fisher about the Cunninghams that, “you’re shamin’ him Miss Caroline. Walter hasn’t got a quarter at…show more content…
Talking to Miss Maudie, about Boo Radley, she says “’Maybe he died and they stuffed him up a chimney.’ ‘Where did you get such a notion?’ ‘That’s what Jem said he thought they did’” (43). Scout usually trusts what Jem tells her, but this time she should have listened to reason. If Scout wanted to find out more about Boo Radley, she should have gone to reliable source first. Like Miss Maudie, Atticus, Scout’s father, is a very good mentor and she regularly goes to him for advice. After Jem was being especially difficult, she decided, “As Atticus has once advised me to do, I tried to climb into Jem’s skin and walk around in it” (43). Because Jem is changing, she really wants to understand him better. Doing the grown-up thing shows that Scout has taken a step in growing up a little too. Even though Scout is still very young, she has developed very adult-like thinking in trying to understand someone or
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