Shc21: Introduction to Communication in Health and Social Care Setings

752 Words4 Pages
1.1 Identify diferent reasons why people communicate. 1. I communicate with my manager so i am aware of the, things that are happening with the service users in the service on a daily basis. So i can keep my training updated, or further my training needs also to notify them of any further support i may need. 2. I communicate with the service users so i can understand their needs, and support them in the way they need and wish to be supported so that their support is person centred for them. 3. I communicate with my colleagues so we are aware of what needs to be done, what has been done and the best way to do the task in hand. we also communicate to make others aware of any issues we may incounter with in our job role so we can work together to resolve any issues. 1.2 Explain how efective communication afects al aspects of working in adult social care setings. 1. if i wasn't to communicate with my managers, then i would not be aware of the things happening within the service or with service users. Also i would not be aware of what is requiered with in my work or what training i need or of the training avalible to me, and my manager would not be aware of any issues i may have with in my work or with a service user, therefore not being able to assist me with the necessarry support requierd to resolve the issues. 2. If i didnt communicate effectiveley, with a service user then i would not be able to support them in the way they need to be supported or wish to be supported meaning i wouldnt be able to understand their needs, and this could lead to them being distressed or frustrated or even issolated. 3. If i wasn't to communicate with my colleagues then we wouldnt know whos doing what, which could lead to things being over looked or missed out, or even being done twice. Which would cause alot of uneccessary work or errors for us, some being more serious than
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