The Colors of Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald uses colors to show deeper meaning and to represent different characters personalities. Color may be portrayed through scenery or in specific objects, such as automobiles, flowers, clothing and lights. One major color in The Great Gatsby is the color green. Green can be used to represent growth, nature, money, fertility and safety. One big use of the color green in the novel is the light at the end of Daisy’s dock. One other color that has a big role in the novel is white. White is shown for purity, virginity, innocence, light, goodness, safety, softness, and perfection. Daisy wears the color white; she can be reckless, but she can hide behind the innocence of the color. Fitzgerald uses color as a literary device to express deeper meaning, emotion, and the personalities of characters. The green light that is at the end of Daisy’s dock is a sign of Gatsby’s dream: to be with her one day. “He stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away” (20). Jay Gatsby loves Daisy and with her, his American dream can be completed. The words “minute” and “far away”, make it sound as though it is impossible to reach. Minute making it sound close, but then the following appreciated distance, makes it unreachable. “If it wasn’t for the mist, we could see your home across the bay” (94). The mist is covering Daisy’s house and the green light. Before the green light was just a representation of Gatsby’s dream to once again be reunited with Daisy. Now that he has finally seen, and talked to her again, the dream is almost completed. The green light seems as though it is fading because it is hard to see due to the mist. Since the green light represents
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